About us

About Us

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy

We at Matolutions are committed to creating products that adhere to the principles of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. As a startup dedicated to creating eco-friendly and sustainable products, we take our responsibility towards the environment seriously. We will continue to research and develop products that conform to the highest standards of sustainability, and we urge other companies to do the same. We work in collaboration with existing manufacturing companies and pursue dissemination of the innovative products by actively involving convertors and brand-owners.


To become global leader providing sustainable solutions


Achieve sustainable goals through global collaboration with leading biopolymer industries

How do we work?

We are a group of global ambassadors for circular and sustainable economy!

Collaborate with existing innovative manufacturing companies

Disseminate the products both globally and locally

Actively involve with convertors and brand-owners for customized solutions

Our Team

Chetan Jain

Business Partner

Rehan Ali Pradhan

Innovation Partner

Rahul Dubey

Application Partner

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